• Flourishing Financially

    Flourishing Financially

    Rich people value time more than money. Money is only a means of exchange of value. You must have something that meets a need and provides value for others to make money. Your values are things, principles, standards that you consider to be important. You don’t value everything the same, you rank them. Adjusting your…

  • Flourishing Financially In Impossible Situation

    Flourishing Financially In Impossible Situation

    When we walk in the light  of God’s word, we flourish financially, even of our situation looks impossible. 2 Kings 4:1-7 (NLT) What do you do when you don’t know what to do, at your wit’s end? Run to God! What is complex with man is easy with God.  Money is only a means of…

  • Flourishing Forever: Fulfilling Your Purposes

    Flourishing Forever: Fulfilling Your Purposes

    As we flourish forever, we must ensure that we our purpose in God. There is a purpose for everything. God is intentional. He is a God of purpose. The greatest disaster is when the purpose of human beings is not known, it’s a massive waste of potential. “If all we get out of Christ is…

  • Glimpse


    Glimpse. We need to follow the voice of God. If we can trust the voice of our GPS, then we have to trust the voice of God. It doesn’t matter what everybody is saying, what is the voice of the Lord saying to you right now? That is where your healing is. We have to…

  • Flourishing Forever 3

    Flourishing  Forever 3

    Flourishing Forever 3. There’s an old story of a man who arrived in heaven and pointed at another man he saw and told Peter, I know that man down on earth. And Peter said, you mean the General? The man told Peter that he wasn’t a General on Earth and Peter responded that he may…

  • Flourishing Forever 2

    Flourishing Forever 2

    Flourishing  Forever 2. In 1806, a domesticated Hen began laying eggs that got everybody’s attention in Leeds, England. The Hen was, so to speak, laying eggs on which were written ‘Christ is coming’. People were trooping to Leeds to go see the hen and the eggs. It was only a matter of time before it…

  • Flourishing Forever

    Flourishing Forever

    Flourishing Forever. In Genesis 25 we read the story, the classic example of long-term and short-term thinking in the story of Esau and Jacob. If you look well around now, these two categories of people are still around us. You have the people who are always thinking short-term. So, Esau brought present satisfaction, but Jacob…

  • Let The Children Flourish

    Let The Children Flourish

    Let The Children Flourish. It’s time to let the children flourish, to let them thrive. (Matthew 19:23-15 NLT) One day, some parents brought their children to Jesus so he could lay hands on them and pray for them. But the disciples called the parents for bothering him. But Jesus said, let the children come to…

  • Unity in Diversity

    Unity in Diversity

    Unity in Diversity. There’s an interesting story in Genesis chapter 11 that demonstrates the tremendous power we generate when we pursue our objectives in unity.  The people of that time decided to build a great city and a monumental tower and then God responded. Look, he said, the people are united and they all speak…

  • How To Be Marriage Material

    How To Be Marriage Material

    How To Be Marriage Material. When someone is good enough to be a husband or wife, we say they are ‘marriage material’. (Proverbs 18:22 NLT). This doesn’t only apply to singles, for married people, consider ‘How to remain marriage material’. (1 Samuel 16:7). Generally when it comes to the issue of who to marry, the…