Doing Good | Daystar Christian Centre | Pastor Sam Adeyemi

Doing Good (4)

Jesus was able to do good and destroy the works of the devil because God was with Him. John 10:10 (NLT)

If you are going to go around doing good, take care of the sick, bring improvement to people’s lives, get ready for a fight.

We have to be conscious of the fact that we are not dealing with natural but supernatural phenomena. Acts 10:38 (MSG)

If Christ was around and He contested for the Presidency of your country, would you vote for Him? Of course, some of us will vote for Him. John 6:11-15 (NLT).

Jesus solved basic problems, and He fought for our freedom. Nowadays, if we solve people’s problems like Jesus did, people will want us to lead them politically.

How to scale our problem solving impact:


Sharing foods started the day the church was born in Acts 2:42 (NLT).  A God-honoured, spirit-filled, bible teaching church will not allow any member to go hungry.

The Apostles built systems to solve the problems of people and increase impacts. A system is a group of parts that fulfils a function. The human body runs on systems, when the systems are running well, we feel good.

As role models, we need to build systems to increase our impact in doing good. Systems and institutions gives us leverage. Systems enable us to leverage on other people’s resources. Acts 6:7 (NLT). 

As role models, we are encouraged to be good entrepreneurs, intrapreneurs, start non-governmental organisations, start churches and ministries.

When you want to scale your impact in doing good, think systems, think institutions. 

Man-made political systems

Political systems have the ability to increase our capacity to do good. 1 Samuel 8:11-22 (NLT). Human nature does not handle power well. 

Romans 13:1-7 (MSG). How role models should react to man-made political systems.

    1. Government is a God sanctioned system in our world. We are meant to be responsible citizens to our government. 
    2. Government is God’s answer to unruly people – law breakers. 
    3. Government officials are described as the servants/ministers of God.
    4. Godly people should be in government to represent God there. 
    5. Government should recognize people that are doing good
    6. Government is our responsibility to do good on a mass scale. 
    7. Government is the only platform in the new covenant where Christians can use an instrument of violence legally
    8. As Christians, we are permitted to disobey the government if the government is causing us to disobey God.

God’s system

Luke 10:5. We need to have a clear sense of our identity as citizens of God’s kingdom. We are representative of God’s kingdom on earth. 

As we solve problems by doing good, God will empower us and enable us to increase our impact on the world.