Good Health 2 | Daystar Christian Centre

Good Health 2

  • Post category:Pastor Sam Adeyemi
  • Reading time:5 mins read
  • Post published:September 8, 2024
Good Health 2.
In Mark 52-34 NLT we see a woman that had suffered for 12 years with constant bleeding. We established last week that Faith clearly had a role to play in the healing of this woman.
One thing we’ve got to always remember is that there is creative power in faith. You can become who you have not been before you can have what you’ve not had before you can begin to do what you couldn’t do before.
What you believe is what you become and that’s why faith is such a powerful principle it works both positively and negatively so to get results you’ve never gotten before you need to become someone you’ve never been before and faith is Central to that process.
In Mark 52 verse 27 it says the woman had heard about Jesus so she came up behind him through the crowd and touched his robe, that’s how she got her Faith.
So there’s a connection between hearing and Faith there’s a connection between what you hear and your faith, Romans 10:1 17 specifically tells us how faith comes,
So faith comes from hearing, that is, hearing the Good News about Christ.
What you are hearing -conscious or not- is putting you under a spell, it could be music, movies or even people. They build your belief system so you’ve got to be intentional about what you’re hearing and seeing on a consistent basis.
In numbers 21 Israel sinned against God and poisonous snakes came into their camp and killed thousands of people. God told them to create a bronze serpent put it on a pole and look up at it if they had been bitten not down at their wounds.
Stop looking at the problem, stop listening to what everybody is saying you are not everybody. The beautiful thing for us today is that we don’t even need to be looking at the bronze serpent anymore.
God created another tree imagery on this one he hanged his own son. He was wounded for our transgressions bruised for our iniquities, the punishment for our peace was upon him and by his stripes we are healed.

Sermon excerpt from Sunday sermon by Pastor Sam Adeyemi – Sunday 8th, September, 2024

Watch this sermon here.