Praise | Daystar Christian Centre | Pastor Sam Adeyemi

Praise 5

  • Post category:Pastor Sam Adeyemi
  • Reading time:3 mins read
  • Post published:December 31, 2024

At the highest level of success, leadership emerges not just as a position but as the ability to empower others to succeed. True leadership thrives when we recognize the value in people and situations, and that recognition begins with praise. Acknowledging the good in others and giving thanks for the opportunities before us, help us create an atmosphere where miracles can happen.

Most people in leadership never learn leadership formally, which explains why we often see a cycle of the same uninspiring leaders.

Criticism might point out flaws, but it rarely teaches solutions. On the other hand, praise is a teaching tool. It encourages, uplifts, and shows us the way forward.

As leaders, when we praise someone’s efforts, we highlight what works and inspire them to keep growing.

God is deeply invested in the spaces you occupy right now. Whether it’s your office, business, or neighborhood, these are the mission fields where real change begins.

The values of Jesus Christ, when fully embraced, will outshine all other values. This change will not occur inside the church buildings but in the everyday spaces where we live and work. As we praise God for His guidance in these areas, we become instruments of His transformative power.

To align with what God wants to do in your life, start with praise. It shifts your focus from the chaos of the news to the miracles God is working. Praise reminds us of His faithfulness and opens the door to see His hand in every situation.

When you put value on something through praise, you show respect and elevate its significance. Praise God for the spaces He has placed you in, for the people you lead, and for the opportunities ahead. As you do, watch how your leadership grows, your environment changes, and your destiny unfolds.

Praise unlocks miracles, strengthens leadership, and brings God’s kingdom into our everyday lives. So, take a moment and give Him the praise He deserves. It’s the starting point of every great transformation.

An excerpt from the sermon by Pastor Sam Adeyemi  on Sunday, December 29, 2024

Watch this sermon here