Blossoming In Trials | Daystar Christian Centre

Blossoming In Trials

Blossoming In Trials. In Genesis chapter 40:1-8, Joseph saw himself as God’s representative, he cared enough to notice that his cellmates were sad. Do not harden your heart against people, in times of famine, share with the understanding that God is the ultimate provider and we always have Him. There was hardship in Joseph’s soul, but he did not allow his soul to be famished. Make sure there is no famine in your soul and your spirit, ensure that your soul prospers.

In trials, give thanks, maintain a joyful attitude, and ensure you’re always bubbly. Make sure that you’re always connected to God. In times like this when we ask ‘What will we do?’ the question instead should be ‘What would Jesus do?’. In this season we need to use our gifts to touch lives. Joseph chose to use His gift and have compassion on his fellow prisoners. He didn’t let his soul become downcast and everything worked in his favour.

We are in a similar situation as Joseph, there is a famine in the world, wars from place to place that are affecting everything and everyone in the world. But It is well with us because the Lord will give us ideas and help us know what we should do per time.

In John chapter 6, Jesus’s disciples had scarcity mindset when he talked about feeding the multitude. When we are in a season of scarcity we are pushed into a creative mode. The people didn’t have to tell Jesus that they were hungry but He discerned it on His own and rose to the occasion. You are light, when you step into rooms, people must be happy because they believe they will receive something from you. It doesn’t have to be monetary, it could be encouragement.

Hearing from God is simple, it is not necessarily when you hear an audible voice it is when you get a constant impression in your spirit. 

An excerpt from the sermon by Pastor Nike Adeyemi on Sunday, February 18, 2023

Watch this sermon here