Endless Hope | Daystar Christian Centre | Pastor Nike Adeyemi

Endless Hope

What you see gives you hope or discourages you. If you don’t feel hopeful, change what you see. Hopelessness makes people want to give up.

Hope is the expectation that we have silently. Hope is the hang-in-there word. Even if you don’t have faith, at least have hope.

Do not giving up on God and on ourselves. Be hopeful. Even when the outside world is falling apart, our inner man is being renewed, as our hope is renewed in the word of God.

When we look into the word of God, our hope is reactivated and it ignites our faith.

Be joyful. If we are not hopeful, we get to miss out on a lot of processes in life. When we don’t have hope, we lose faith.

Whatever we call challenges means something is not adding up as we want it to be. We should be hopeful to take our challenges as a learning curve.

When we are hopeful, we become joyful. Don’t let your hope get missing and leave you miserable.

Look inward and be thankful for all God has given you, and His promises for your life. 

Job’s story was really bad, but he held on to hope. His wife even lost hope in him and God, but Job was restored by God because He kept his hope alive in God. Job 15:7 (NKJV).

God comes through for us when we keep our hope alive in His word and promises. God came through for Abraham and Sarah at the appointed time.

Hope shows in your countenance. It shows that you are expecting something from God when you are joyful and praiseful, even in a challenging situation. 

Switch to praise and look for basic things  – air we breathe, life we have, sanity of mind, etc, – to thank God for.

Our hope is based on God’s promises, and God cannot lie, so we are operating on a higher dimension.

God is impressed when we hold on to His promises and praise Him even in our tough times. 

Our hope is anchored on God’s eternal nature – HE cannot lie. 

When the going gets tough people break up into camps – the never-give-up camp, or the easily-give-up camp.

There is pain all over the world. We are in the end time and the devil is brutal with his darkness. You must wake up each day and be determined to shine your light to people around you. 

Thank you Lord for rekindling our hope, giving us endless hope, making us hope-givers to people around us. 

I’m a minister of hope. I’m a hope-giver.

Sermon excerpt from Sunday sermon by Pastor Nike Adeyemi – Sunday, October 6, 2024

Watch this sermon here.