Good Health | Daystar Christian Centre

Good Health

Good Health. This month we’ll be exploring several instances where Christ said ‘your faith has made you well’. This statement establishes a strong connection between faith and miraculous improvement in our health. The essence of the statement is not faith in itself but that faith in Christ makes you whole.
It is the confidence that you have in Christ and in His power to sustain and restore your health that does the job. Faith is not an end in itself much as prayer is not an end in itself. Some people thing it is the intensity and frequency of their prayers that make things happen. You can pray from now till now to the kingdom comes, if the God that answers the prayer does not answer you nothing will happen. As humans we are designed to believe in something, even if it is not God, we all have beliefs, we are all faith machines. Apostle Paul told us not to anchor our faith on anything but on Jesus. Remember the story of the lame man at the gate (Acts 3:1-11) verse 6 says But Peter said, “I don’t have any silver or gold for you. But I’ll give you what I have. In the name of Jesus Christ the Nazarene  get up and walk!”. Satan is actively engaged in preventing us from having faith in God. In the story of the temptation (Luke 4) the moment God spoke and Jesus was led into the Wilderness, Satan showed up.
In life we always have a choice to focus on what God is saying and doing or to allow ourselves to be distracted. However bad the situation is God is there with you.
The earth was formless and empty, and darkness covered the deep waters. And the Spirit of God was hovering over the surface of the waters. (Genesis 1)
The whole place was in chaos but the Spirit of God was there. We must react to negative doubt building information the way Christ responded to Peter’s sentimental advice, He turned to Peter and said “Get thee behind me Satan”. So when people are saying negative things and feeding us with doubtful information that will attack our faith, we must react with “Get thee behind me Satan”. You must be alert and maintain your spiritual composure, guard your heart and meditate on the word of God constantly.

God says “…fill your thoughts with my words until they penetrate deep into your spirit”, so faith comes from hearing the good news. It’s your turn you focus on what God is saying and doing, let the Holy Spirit drop a revelation in your heart and once the revelation drops, act on it.

An excerpt from the sermon by Pastor Boye Oloyede on Sunday, September 1, 2024

Watch this sermon here