Endless Hope | Daystar Christian Centre | Pastor Boye Oloyede

Endless Hope (2)

One of the most inspiring stories in the scriptures is that of Abraham. He had to wait for 25 years for God’s promises to come to pass, and the God that promises never fails. 

For us as new covenant believers, Christ has secured Abraham’s promise for us. Galatians 3:24-27 (NLT). If the promises of Abraham now belong to us, do we have Abraham’s staying power? Can you hold onto your promise like Abraham did?

You can imagine what the neighbours of Abraham and Sarah said to/about them while they held onto the promises of God. When everything around you is looking like the promises are not going to come to pass, can you hold to God’s promise?

Habakkuk 2:2-3 (TLB) Slowly, steadily, surely, just be patient, the fulfilment of your promise will not be delayed a day. 

Romans 4:18 (TPT) Against all odds, Abraham’s promise came to pass. Even when it looked hopeless, Abraham believed otherwise, staying strong on the word of God. He took God at His word, and by that He became the father of many nations.

Everybody will go through challenges, but eventually things will work out as we believe in God’s sovereignty and promises. Challenges come to try our faith, but we must hold on. 

However hard the economy is, some people are still making money. What controls everything is your focus. The moment you lose sight of God in the equation, you become overwhelmed and start seeing negative things. Whatever your situation is, God has the final say.

I Corinthians 10:13 (TPT) Each test is an opportunity to trust God more. Along with every trial, God has made a way of escape for us that will bring us out victoriously. If God has not blown the final whistle, no one can blow the final whistle. 

Hope is the expectation that things will eventually work out as God has promised you.

Three Reasons why Faith is Important:

Hope is the foundation for faith.

Hebrews 11:1 (NLT) That desire that regardless of the situation, I am going to have a good outcome, that is hope. Whichever way it goes, I’m going to be satisfied. Amen. You are a hopeful person when you expect things to be better.

Even in the face of bad circumstances, you know it can only get better. When you keep repeating the right statement to yourself, possibilities begin to get up, and faith is reignited.

Hope keeps you alive.

Job 14:7-9 (NLT). Human beings can move but trees can’t: what they lack in mobility, they have in resilience. Get grounded, stay in a place until your roots get water, that’s when fruits will come. When you are planted in the word of God, there is no way you will not blossom.

We are people of faith-people, we don’t give up. When you have hope you will be bubbling on the inside, even if everything is falling apart on the outside. Every challenge has an expiry date.

Hope helps you to deal with stress, anxiety, and sadness.

You don’t need a large amount of hope to turn things around, you just need a glimmer of hope. 1 Samuel 30:3-8 (NLT) David encouraged himself in the Lord. The secret is to introduce God into your thinking. Mix revelation with your thinking.

Let God be the first person you will see in that situation. God has done something for you, however small. Psalm 42:11 (NLT) Start with gratitude. Remember, everything does not go down at the same time.


I am a child of God

Love is my nature

Hope s my nature

Faith is my nature
Giving up is not in my nature

My father cannot lie

He has the final say

What He says will come to pass

I will until my change comes. 


Sermon excerpt from Sunday sermon by Pastor Boye Oloyede – Sunday, October 13, 2024

Watch this sermon here.