A Journey To Wholeness | Daystar Christian Centre

A Journey To Wholeness

  • Post category:Daystar Online
  • Reading time:3 mins read
  • Post published:September 13, 2023

A Journey To Wholeness. In the hustle and bustle of our modern lives, we often strive for better health. We search for diets, exercise routines, and wellness trends, all in pursuit of physical well-being. But perhaps, in our quest for good health, we forget the profound connection between our physical and spiritual selves. True health isn’t just about the absence of illness; it’s about a state of wholeness—physical, emotional, and spiritual.

Just like Pastor Sam said last Sunday, God hates to see us sick, and Christ did not come to pet the consequences of sin, so as such, we need to apply the same destroyer mentality when it comes to sickness and diseases (Watch here)

To achieve good health, we must listen to our bodies, nourish them with wholesome foods, and exercise regularly. It’s about treating our bodies as temples and honouring them as gifts from a higher power. We must also tend to our spiritual essence as we nurture our physical and emotional selves. Connecting with our faith, finding purpose, and seeking divine guidance can provide us with the inner strength needed to face life’s challenges.

The LORD says, I will guide you along the best pathway for your life. I will advise you and
watch over you – (Psalm 32:8 NLT).

This journey to wholeness is not a solitary one. Just as Psalm 32:8 suggests, we are not alone on this path. We have a guide, a loving presence, watching over us. When we embrace this spiritual connection, we find comfort in knowing that we are not navigating life’s challenges on our own.

So, as we strive for good health, I’d like to remind you to join us on this journey of compassion and goodwill today. as it is just a few hours to 6 p.m. (WAT) for our midweek service, and if you If you can’t make it to church, you can join us online here.

Get ready to ignite your excitement because the Excellence in Leadership Conference (ELC) is back, and it’s coming back stronger than ever this November! Mark your calendars.

You are blessed!