Daystar Christian Centre | Sunday Service | Pastor Boye Oloyede | Count it all Joy

Count it All Joy

It’s our season of joy, and even in the midst of whatever we go through, we count it all joy.

Life is about perspective. Trails produce sadness and distress for people, but the believer is challenged to see things differently because we have the Holy Spirit.

Dear brothers and sisters, when troubles of any kind come your way, consider it an opportunity for great joy. For you know that when your faith is tested, your endurance has a chance to grow.

~ James 1:2-3

Your perspective determines your interpretation of an issue, that interpretation will inform how you respond to the issue.

Being on the frequency of the Holy Spirit births revelation for breakthrough, and such revelation births faith and joy.

Elisah and his servant were both in the same terrifying situation, while the servant saw death and feared, but Elisah saw life and victory. (2 Kings 6:17)

After Elisah prayed for his servant, his eyes opened, faith and joy surged in his heart. In the face of the challenge we are going through, what we need is a changed perspective.

The greatest prayer anyone can pray for you is for your eyes to be opened, because opened eyes will make you see opportunities where others see problems.

Whatever life throws at you is a test that is preparing you for the next level. It is normal for the enemy to come at you with various trials. 

Job got bombarded with a lot of bad news, all in one day. He got cornered with troubles on every side in one day. Job 1:13-19 (NKJV)

Trials don’t announce they are coming, they are unavoidable, and they are part of living.

Satan may wear us out naturally, be he cannot wear the Holy Spirit out. (Isaiah 40:29-31, NKJV)

The more your trials, the more your victories and testimonies. No afflictions, no glory. No test, no testimony. (2 Corinthians 4:16-18, MSG)

When the enemy comes at you, always be mindful that, “These hard times are small potatoes.” This too shall pass, and we should count it all joy.

Focus on the benefits of the trial. 

One of the key things that trial does for us is that it improves our character. Gold is purified by fire. (Malachi 3:3, NKJV) In the midst of your heat, troubles, and trials, God is there with you.

Trials build inner strength. You are stronger when you come out of trial than when you went into it. 

Happiness is good, but it is dependent on happenings that are positive. Joy is internally generated through the Holy Spirit, it’s there even when things are not working right. It is not based on happenings, it is based on the Holy Spirit.

Joy is a choice to focus on God, and what He is doing, rather than focusing on the devil. Joy is a choice to see God in the face of troubles and trials.

When you make up your mind to put your gaze on God, you set heaven in a motion to bring about intervention your way, and you will begin to see possibilities.

No matter what you have been through, no matter what you are going through, always choose joy.

When you can stay on the frequency of joy, you will stay on the frequency of birthing breakthroughs. Habakkuk 3:17-18 (NKJV)

It’s time for you to celebrate, because Jesus won the battle for you on the cross.

When you shout Hallelujah all by yourself, in the midst of trials, people will wonder what’s going on in your life, and your victory will come manifesting for all to see. Amen.

Rejoice in the Lord! Choose joy!

Sermon excerpts by Pastor Boye Oloyede – Sunday, December 18, 2022

Watch the full Sunday service here: