Flourishing Financially (4) | Daystar Christian Centre

Flourishing Financially (4)

Flourishing Financially (4). Beware of Mammon, Mammon is a destructive spirit. Its objective is not money, it only uses money as a tool. Its objective is the destruction of human potential. If you saw a plain piece of paper on the floor you wouldn’t pay as much attention to it as you would a hundred-dollar bill. Money gets people’s attention so Satan hides behind it to manipulate our world. God is telling us to beware of Mammon because Mammon will give you money but it will attach conditions with it. In Mammon’s economy, you don’t mention love. You cannot mix love with money, the only thing mammon permits is selfishness.

Next the devil took him to the peak of a very high mountain and showed him all the kingdoms of the world and their glory. “I will give it all to you,” he said, “if you will kneel down and worship me.” – Matthew 4:8-10 NLT

“Get out of here Satan”, Jesus told him. Satan will always attach conditions to whatever he gives, he wants what you are supposed to give God.

Our society is in a crisis and the problem is not a lack of money, it is lack of love, it is selfishness, it is greed. Let’s draw some lessons from Mark 10:17. Human nature is weak, It does not handle power well. It does not mix well with power. Jesus said it is hard, but He did not say it is impossible. If you courageously apply God’s principles, apply God’s revelations, you will prosper. Don’t sell your soul for money, that is God’s message today, true godliness with contentment is itself great wealth. It is possible to be very rich and to be godly. And Daystar is going to produce those people.

An excerpt from the sermon by Pastor Sam Adeyemi on Sunday, July 28, 2024

Watch this sermon here