Love Is Our Nature | Daystar Christian Centre

Love Is Our Nature

Love is our nature and fruit-bearing is rooted in nature (Matthew 7:16, NLT)

Nicodemus was talking to Jesus about the things he was doing, the miracles he was performing, but Jesus took Nicodemus’ attention away from the ‘doing’ and focused him on the ‘being.’

Jesus told him, “Unless you are born of the spirit, you can’t do these things.” (John 3:1-6, NKJV). This means that for us to command certain types of results, we need to have a certain kind of nature.

The nature of God is love. Love should be natural to us, His children. (1 John 3:10-11, MSG). The true test of us, as children of God, is our willingness to show love.

There are several definitions of love, and different dimensions of love. Three of the dimensions of love are:

  • Love that fuels friendship
  • Romantic/Erotic love
  • God’s kind of love

God’s Kind of Love

This is the kind of love that demonstrates itself in sacrificial giving.

For this is how God loved the world: He gave His one and only Son, so that everyone who believes in Him will not perish but have eternal life.

~ John 3:16

For God to give His most precious, He must have seen value in us. The kind of love that we share with God recognizes the value in people, because we are all made in His image. (1 John 3:16)

The God’s kind of love will be difficult to express if you have not experienced it, because you can’t give what you don’t have. So God is demonstrating to us first by placing the value on us, and showing us love by giving us His Son.

When we were utterly helpless, Christ came at just the right time and died for us sinners. Now, most people would not be willing to die for an upright person, though someone might perhaps be willing to die for a person who is especially good. But God showed his great love for us by sending Christ to die for us while we were still sinners.

~ Romans 5:6-8

God loves you, and He sees great value in you, and you must accept it as your truth regardless of how you see yourself. God is not going to consult your past to determine your future.

Lack of love blinds us from value and removes whatever little value we see in others. God’s love helps us to recognize the value in others, lay down our lives, and inconvenience ourselves to ensure that others are served.

Love is our nature. Families, organizations, and nations where value is recognized and celebrated through sacrificial giving always thrive and accomplish great things.

Love will always prevail in our homes and our nation, in Jesus’ name.

Sermon excerpt from Sunday sermon by Pastor Boye Oloyede – Sunday 5, February, 2023

Watch this sermon here