Doing Good 4 | Daystar Christian Centre

Doing Good 4


Doing Good 4. Christ and His apostles prioritised taking care of the poor. It is the business of the church to provide for the poor. Here in Daystar, we choose to do the word of God because, in Daystar, the word works wonders.

During the COVID lockdown, our church gave money to members who had run out of money. We leveraged our small group system, which is why we keep emphasising to everyone who comes to Daystar. It’s not enough to just show up to services during the weekend, you’ve got to belong to a small group because that is where we are a family.

Never forget that we are a part of God’s government, and this government guarantees that our needs will be met (Matthew 6:31-33NLT). When a society is built on these values – the values of the kingdom of God- they always thrive and prosper because they treat humans with dignity. These values are driven by love, which recognises the worth of the average person.

It is the business of the church to fight hunger and poverty and make sure people are not going to bed without food. It was the business of Christ when he was here, it is still His business today as He expresses Himself through us.

When you look at the scriptures, you notice that the distribution of food was possible because some people gave. When Christ fed the crowd – five thousand people- it was a young boy that gave his lunch of five loaves and two fish. For distribution to be possible, somebody had to make a sacrifice and do some giving. Luke 8:1-3NLT

Why you should give:

  • The proof of love is giving: (1John 3:16)The fruit of the spirit of the character of God.
  • It’s one of the reason why work: Phil 4:19, Eph4:28
  • It qualifies you for greater responsibility.
  • It’s a means of converting money and material worth to true wealth.

Sermon excerpt from Sunday sermon by Pastor Sam Adeyemi – Sunday 27, August, 2023

Watch this sermon here.