Good Health 4 - Daystar Christian Centre

Good Health 4

  • Post category:Sermon Excerpt
  • Reading time:2 mins read
  • Post published:October 9, 2022

A continuation of our series on Good Health sermon series.

As God brought Israel from Egypt, he set a standard that their new nation would be a nation of people with good health. In previous messages in this series, we’ve shown how, through the experiences of the Israelites, we can enjoy good health.

There’s a dimension to the things that happened in Egypt that we may lose sight of which is the impact of the plagues God afflicted the Egyptians with.

Seeing what was happening to the Egyptians, the Israelites became anxious and afraid; these things happening troubled their minds and created mental health issues. We see significant disasters affecting people’s mental health these days.

Jesus said the entirety of the commandments hangs on love. Remember that to enjoy God’s health, we need to obey God’s instructions.

How to apply love in the case of mental health

1. Pray for people with mental health issues

We need to leverage the anointing of the Holy Spirit in our life to intercede for people suffering from mental health issues. The power of the holy spirit heals the mind (Isaiah 61:1-3)

2. Empathise with them: Don’t be part of the culture that stigmatizes people with illness; instead, show empathy.

3. Help them get medical assistance
Play your part in helping them get help for their mental illness; ask them what they need and help them get to a hospital or mental health clinic.

Sermon exerpts by Pastor Solomon Kpandei – Sunday, September 18, 2022.
Watch the full sermon here.

Check previous sermons in this series here.