The Power of Community 2 | Daystar Christian Centre

The Power of Community 2

The Power of Community 2. When the going gets tough, the tough go to their community. We saw this happen with the early church, when there was trouble, the apostles would go back to their community.

Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their labour. If either of them falls down, one can help the other up. But pity anyone who falls and has no one to help them up. (Ecclesiastes 4:9-10 NIV)

So it’s okay to fall, but you must not fall alone, it is when you fall alone and without support that you are in real trouble. God created us for collaboration and connection, not for isolation. 

When God created the world, He said it was good, then He created Adam in isolation and He said “It is not good for the man to be alone” so he created Eve.

The church is a community made up of communities, just as our bodies are made up of cells that form organs that form systems that allow you to function as a human being. 

Last Sunday, we established that every believer is a minister under the new covenant and that there was an explosion of ‘House Churches’ among the early Christians in Acts of the apostles.

At Daystar, we take understanding the structure of the church seriously. We also use the dual structure as seen in the scriptures (Acts 2:46 NLT). The power of the Holy Spirit is activated when we meet in church or homes, wherever we gather, the Holy Spirit is there.

There is nothing as beautiful as finding alignment with God’s plans and purposes for our lives. When you are in alignment with God’s plans, His power works in and through you. Romans 8:28 NLT

Acts 2:42-47 NLT

From this passage we can get five major objectives every church should strive to achieve:

  • Discipleship\Growth: When in a community you are given the chance to grow with like-minded people.
  • Fellowship: Deep love demonstrated through sharing and caring – Acts 2:42&44
  • Ministry: Identifying and meeting specific needs in the church and in the community – Acts 2:45
  • Worship: Acts 2:47
  • Evangelism: Sharing your faith, passionately and lovingly sharing the good news of forgiveness of sin through Christ Jesus – Acts 2:47

Don’t be a non-performing asset for God, be a part of and accept the responsibility to lead a small community today.

Locate the closest cell to you here or join our online community here.

Sermon excerpt from Sunday sermon by Pastor Boye Oloyede – Sunday 9, July, 2023

Watch this seron here.