Daystar Christian Centre- Sunday service -The Influencer

The Influencer (2)

To influence your world, you must find the thing that establishes your relevance. The good news is that we have all that core, unique value that makes us influencers.

Search deep down to your essence, find new ways to express it, and discover new people to express it to.

Which problem do you exist to solve? To make an impact as an influencer, you need to find that meeting point between the value God has put in you and people’s needs.

Like Jesus, our ultimate role model, people need to know our value and essence. So, as we discover our essence, we must express it to our world.
You may express your essence with an elevator pitch, which makes it easier to describe your value and purpose in a simple statement. The purpose of your pitch is to get someone’s attention and time.

Christ was deliberate about His pitch, which He described with a specific portion of scripture. And His entire existence was a fulfilment of that scripture.

Here are a few lessons from Christ’s declaration or His elevator pitch:
– Be clear about the problem you are out to solve.
– Give a call to action (CTA) on how they can reach you.
– When you have your pitch, say it with authority.
– Stop chasing people who don’t need or value what you have. Gravitate towards people that need what you have.

The people that desperately needed Jesus found him.

This will be the best season of your life, in Jesus’ name.


Sermon excerpts by Pastor Sam Adeyemi – Sunday, November 13, 2022.

Watch the full sermon here.